Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Dear Charlee: 8 Weeks with You

Dear Charlee, 

Your eighth week began with a growth spurt or a Wonder Week or I don't really know what but I do know you sure did not want to be put down.  Your regular schedule of two 3-4 hour crib naps went out the window and for two days I held you basically 100% of the time. From about 5am-10pm you were by my side, nursing, sleeping, or awake and "playing" with my hands (so sweet, I don't ever want to forget that). This time was a reminder to continue to give in to the needs of the day letting the rest of the world pass by and just enjoy my "free" time with you.

On the third day of this I strapped you in to the k'tan because the house was looking pretty shabby and I needed to eat some real food and make sure the boys had clean clothes. Despite this bit of time I had to tidy and clean the house, the house is a disaster but that's ok. I wouldn't change it because we had some incredible bonding time and I know you better now.  

I can tell that you are "waking up" a bit more. You are noticing everything, sometimes I can't figure out what is so interesting but generally anything moving, shadows or lights and your brother catch your attention. You are really starting to connect with Mason and like to watch what he is doing. He is enjoying holding your hand and always tries to include you in his activities, he really seems taken by you and it is so sweet.  He is also taking his big brother responsibilities seriously and still vehemently dislikes when anyone besides Mama or Daddy holds you.

Thankfully you are still sleeping your solid 8 hours at night. Can't wait to see what next week brings!


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