Friday, October 30, 2015

Finally a Dress for Nursing Mom's: A Look at Harper and Bay

I found out about this fabulous Kickstarter campaign, Harper & Bay, offering stylish and convenient breastfeeding dresses. The idea is to eliminate stretched collars, wrinkled blouses or undressing to nurse your baby. Finally someone who designs nursing dresses for "stylish moms", although this feels like an oxymoron as I look at my sunflower butter, yogurt and spit up stained sleeves. Harper & Bay, clearly I need your help!

I heard about this campaign first via Instagram and a few bloggers who posted about it here and there but it was quite hush-hush. I am so grateful someone with fashion where-with-all is taking this on. There are other brands who make nursing wear but honestly nothing is this functionally designed or fashionable. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to my closet and looked for something to wear to a non-workout attire event, only realizing I'll need to easily nurse or pump in the outfit or bring a change of clothes, coordinate a place to change etc. What a pain this can be and I know I'm not alone.

Here is a short video from Taisja Maxfield discussing the line and inspiration behind it. She discusses hating to spend all kinds of money on clothes she would only wear for such a short time - girlfriend, you hit the nail on the head, those are my thoughts exactly. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of lines with nursing friendly attire but none quite as stylish, functional, classic, on trend, or reasonably priced. 

PS isn't she adorable? There are a few spots left in the campaign and dresses are currently priced anywhere from $70-$90 depending on which option you choose. Dresses are set to retail for approximately $98 a piece.
Below are the options...
I ordered the raglan sleeve floral print pictured below. (Photo: Kickstarter/Harper & Bay)

am considering ordering the mid-point exclusive color release which is the black-white stripe sleeve raglan dress. So on point right?

So thank you to the Harper and Bay creator Taisja Maxfield who is going to make this season of life a little easier and more fashionable for all of us. I can't wait to receive my dress in December!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dear C - 4+ Months With You

Dear C,

We have been getting to know you for about 4.5 months now and about two weeks ago you really started to share more of your personality with us. 

Mostly you are easy going and smiley, you don't choose to have a lot to complain about. When you are upset it's usually a gas bubble that's quickly resolved with a couple of your swift kicks or some solid toot filled tummy-time.  Even if you are over tired and waiting for a nap you have the ability to be calm and patient while Daddy and LB give you 37 one last kiss. 

Naps and nights have been uncharacteristic of you but very standard of a four month old. About a week before 4 months things started getting out of whack and you would play for 40min of your nap.  Oddly you always wake up after 2hours and 58min in your crib. On the dot. Although in the past 2 or 3 days your morning nap has turned in to about 20min of wind down/fussing and exactly 40min of sleep. 

You are as smiley as ever. You love the song my girl and like touching daddy's beard. You cannot help but watch your brother, his every move is interesting to you. I've set you down on a blanket with a few toys scattered and you forget playing with toys you watch your brother run about. Building with blocks, knocking them down, shooting hoops and playing with his animals. It doesn't really matter what he's doing you're in to it.

About a week shy of the 5 month mark you've become ticklish! It's not a constant but most of the time I can get you really giggling. You also love to grab my face, my cheeks and nose are a favorite.

You still seem sensitive to dairy but I can have milk almost daily in coffee, just not any cheese. That seems to skip the scale giving you gas and runny poops.
We love you so much little girl and can't wait to see what the next months bring. Soon I will go back to work during the day and you'll be in day care with the fabulous Mimi. Know my heart is with you though, by your side is the place your dad and I will always most want to be. 

Love you always,