Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Dear Charlee - 10 Days with You

Dear Charlee,

You are so sleepy and make an adorable scrunch face when you poop. It's amazing how much we already love you little girl. 

You are sleeping 2 long naps a day anywhere from 2-4 hours at about 9 and 1. Then you are in and out the rest of the day. At night you sleep from 8 or 9pm to 4 or 5am. This is a pretty easy schedule I would be thrilled to keep for a while. 

Everyone says what a perfect (easy) second child you are but I'm scared to think this because I know shortly you will probably "wake up" and not be this easygoing. Or maybe you'll just give me a run for my money in your teenage years which based on my own sass filled high school tenure I am beyond terrified.  I'll love you anyway though :)


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